Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Off Topic: Relay for Life

Just a little off topic here, but you may notice I've added the badge for Relay for Life to the blog.

As a Cancer survivor (Prostate 2001) I have been honored twice in Relay For Life events.  Once with my daughter Tiffany's, restaurant Uno's in Fort Totten.  And once in Rhode Island with the whole RI Huff's family participation.  This year is a little different in that I am proudly attending the relay in RI with the RI Huff's.  We are looking forward to doing the relay walks throughout the night!  The event is this coming Friday, June 4th. The RI Huff's have been very instrumental in raising money for this event on their local front and have made me very proud!

I truly believe that there are very few people who haven't been touched, in some way, by this disease and we need to do everything we can to improve the survivor rate along with preventing Cancer altogether!

These lyrics from Melissa Etheridge resonant with me so much:

  "It`s a blur since they told me about it

How the darkness had taken its toll

And they cut into my skin and they cut into my body

But they will never get a piece of my soul

And now I`m still learning the lesson

To awake when I hear the call

And if you ask me why I am still running

I`ll tell you I run for us all"

So I'm just here to say that I'm hoping everyone, who has or has not been touched by the big C, can do something to help this cause.  If you wish to contribute via the Relay for Life Event, you can go here!

Thanx for reading and for doing whatever you can to help this cause.  We need to raise our voices and battle this disease!

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